Monday, June 2, 2014

What You Believe ... And Simply Refuse To!

Belief Management

The tragedy of life is not that we die, but what dies inside a man while he lives

What is the actual science of BELIEF? Where lays the internal software which motivates people to do amazing feats and shapes destinies? Imagine if that was not the case. Imagine if we are all living in a pre-deterministic mechanical world where destinies are etched in stone. 

A belief is a genuine feeling accompanied by an emotion of what something means! The mental pattern of placing value and trust is at the foundation of a belief.

Beliefs lie at the core of who we are; what we choose to do and the value we place in objects and events. Claude M Bristol wrote a wonderful book entitled The Magic of Believing. In this book he explains that there is one common strand woven throughout the many cultures and religions he investigated. Despite the geography, people have shared a particular philosophy that if you believe that something will happen, it will eventually take place. It is the power of belief which causes things to occur in our lives. 

Beliefs dictate action. Beliefs drive us. They are at the root of all purpose and give it a meaning. 
Successful people think and believe a little differently than most of the world. The power of each belief comes only from the individual believer. That means you can believe whatever you wish to believe. As long as you believe it to be true, it will be true in your life. Consequently, you will attract events, experiences and people in life to match your beliefs. For this reason, it is crucial to adopt only the beliefs that serve you and to let go of those beliefs that are limiting and become the source behind suffering.


The statistics show 85% of the people who employ consultative value-based selling have to first believe into the product before they could sell it to their clients. Business relations are established and maintained on a bond of trust which must never be violated. And anyone trying to make a fast buck through misrepresentation will eventually experience post-sales headaches which will severely jeopardize the personal and the organizational brand. Out of hundreds of things which can destroy a potential sale, misrepresentation is the fastest way of becoming a road-kill, especially if you work in the advanced markets where one deals with educated consumers regularly. 

Life starts with people. From business interaction to close relations; everything starts with human activity. If a company has 10 different people working…that’s 10 different mindsets, 10 socio-religious backgrounds, 10 professional experience pyramids and 10 different belief systems. And, at one point or another, they often collide with one another having 10 different levels of ego structures. That’s why we have a subject like organizational conflict management. The laws which are based upon ancient wisdom and modern scientific findings clearly explain again and again how we are all participating towards a collective reality by creating events and conditions based upon our own belief systems. A company’s fate (triggered by the collective consciousness) resonates with its workers…people at the helm making the decisions and by people who are being managed.

The FOUR magical aspects of human consciousness are:
  1. Decision
  2. Action
  3. Destination
  4. Belief
Humans, by very nature, are decision making machines. Every human ACTION has a DECISION attached to it which determines the DESTINATION (outcome) and reinforces a pattern into a BELIEF.

Every business enterprise comes with a founding leadership, but not every business succeeds. There are managers and employees who, when they walk inside their place of employment, change their mental outlook with a distinct shift in attitude and personality. And yet there are managers who are clueless and rely on staff to assist them with their day.

No matter how many employment checkpoints and signposts the HR maintains, non-performers always slip through the cracks. At the end of the day it’s all about bearing the burden of responsibility VS inability to maintain control over organizational issues which sap profits and hurt the brand. 

The Foundational Dysfunction

Concepts like Unity, Faith & Discipline can be applied to both nations and organizations. But these concepts are meaningless and carry no value other than what the general explanations imply. But as soon as we borrow from the ancient wisdom and modern scientific findings, one can immediately begin to realize the plentiful reserves of benefits which lay beneath these concepts.

Now imagine the REVERSAL of these attributes where disunity and undisciplined living are marked by faithlessness and faithless attitude. The condition signifies hopelessness and paranoia with confusion and injustice at the helm. There is no progress and no room for advancement, because the spirit of three key ingredients necessary for growth and success is simply missing. If there is no unity, faith or discipline in a nation or an organization, there is no foundation upon which anything can be rested. Hence, the undignified state of being.

An organization is a blend of mystical forces. When someone says that a particular company is experiencing tremendous growth, it simply means that they are operating under conditions which maintain disciplined action with a unified co-dependent approach and a collective belief in a superior product & customer service.

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