Leading physicists, Nobel Laureates and philosophers have long argued over the validity of “TIME” and how it is a manipulating factor into the lives of humanity. Ancient mystics regard time as an “ILLUSION”; something which is abashedly man-made. It is nothing but a continuation of memory from one event to another.

In terms of organizational growth, “CHANGE” remains a constant theme but very much a time-bound concept. We live our lives through a clock and fail to realize that “change itself is instantaneous”. Change doesn’t require time and actually operates outside of it. What takes time is to appoint ourselves to bring that change; to finally make a decision and stick with it. And deciding to do something is not a time-based phenomenon - one can do that during the day, in the middle of the night and on a moment’s notice. Then the chain-reaction starts and change begins to manifest.

Founders, CEOs and those running the company must understand the need for continuous CHANGE, which brings forth freshness and life-force to the nervous system of a corporate brand. Staying updated and cutting-edge is the demand of these “modern times”. Old replaces the new and the blood-supply remains oxygenated. It is a simple scenario of “Stagnation vs. Free-Flow”.

Leading brands not only understand that concept but also make that a very part of HR strategy. Like the steering-wheel of a car which needs to shift continuously during a drive, CHANGE is an inevitable growth escalator we must get on to broaden our horizons.

Change allows brands to reach better options and possibilities. And TIME simply has no meaning here.

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