Every single second counts in a race
A stock car pulls up for a pit stop. Responsibilities are:
1) Inspect all 4 tires
2) Jack the car up, unbolt and take out the damaged tires
3) Replace the tires, bolt and lower the car
4) Fuel-up the car
5) Clean the windshield
6) Give it a final inspection
7) Give driver a thumbs-up signal that it is safe to take-off
Time Allotted and Permitted:
7 Seconds
Q1: Can the above tasks be done without proper training, teamwork and practice?
Q2: Do you see the absence of individual egos while all work towards a common goal in a sensible and efficient manner?
Q3: Are there management skills and leadership at work to get the job done?
Please Note That All Our Programs
Are Conducted In-House
Inarguably, carefully selected thoughts and words motivate, inspire and lift people to achieve the unimaginable. Poor selection of the same depletes the energy. Structured words are simply “thoughts” and carry an invisible and invincible power. Words become alive and formulate mental pictures that we live. They delight the reader’s eye as well as the listening ear. Thoughts and words govern the lives of individuals and of nations - and dominate the activities of the commercial world. They are living messengers from which every human and superhuman activity flows.
Efficient use of Business English eases companies onto the track of limitless possibilities
With businesses now connected globally; online and otherwise, English is one language which connects many nationalities on a single platform of communication. The inevitability of these modern times suggests that we direct our business thoughts in the right context, employing a meaningful vision and positive approach.
This advanced yet practical course is designed for corporate employees who are already familiar with the basics of English and need to refine further to upgrade their skill sets. The vision of this program is to eliminate redundancies and indulge clients into what is most required and demanded by the climate of international business.
It's no secret. Employees who feel that they are valued and recognized for the work they do are more motivated, responsible, and productive than those who don't. This program will help supervisors and managers create a more dynamic, loyal, and energized workforce. It is designed specifically to help senior staff understand what employees want and provides a starting point for getting the most out of people.
This is a motivational and inspirational session which allows you to discover your inner self. Let’s explore the journey to uncover your potentials and eliminate limitations so you may strengthen your business strategies of success in achieving organizational excellence.
In psychology of consumer buying there are basic Laws of Retail that, when taken into account, will help you create excellent traffic flow inside your store:
Law 1: Roughly 90% of the customers, who enter your store, will turn right and walk the store in a counter-clockwise direction. Which items will be displayed on your right hand side and in the front of your entrance are two main concerns.
Law 2: Wide aisles encourage customers to walk quickly past your merchandise. Narrow aisles encourage browsing. Clogged aisles make customers turn around and leave the store.
Law 3: You need to create speed-breakers inside the store to slow down the fast shoppers.
Law 4: Like moths to a flame, customers are attracted to light instinctively. In visual merchandizing, effects need to be created which form positive images in the minds of shoppers.
Law 5: How repetition can make an impact into the subconscious mind; on walls and window displays.
Today’s retail environment is tough; competition is fierce. Customer loyalty is an important business driver. From experience gained after 18 years and serving 165 retail outlets, domestically and internationally, we have identified key challenges facing brands and clients.
The art of selling has evolved in recent years. Customers need involvement. They want to be recognized and listened to. And they don’t want you to forget them once a sale is made. This course discusses Strategic Conscious Selling by placing the power directly onto the hands of trainees. It shatters the previously existed paradigm of “salesmanship” and replaces it where an individual starts to work for the client by evolving into a “Sales Consultant”.
§ 82% of all sales people fail to differentiate themselves or their products from the competition
§ 86% of all salespeople ask the wrong questions and miss closing opportunities
§ 62% of all salespeople fail to ask for a commitment
§ 82% of salespeople discount price to earn a sale
Giving unnecessary discounts has tremendous drawbacks. You are not in business to demonstrate how cheap you are; but how real you are in terms of value.
Never mind the customer walking inside your store or business place knowing your brand and what it stands for, do your employees even know? Do they understand the strategy running behind the brand? Do they know how to use it meaningfully in generating sales? Do they know how to build the brand value in front of a potential client about your product?
Unless a brand is tightly monitored within the organization, it is bound to confuse the clients the minute it leaves the door. The founder of Starbucks Coffee, Howard Shultz said: We never set out to build a brand. Our goal was to build a great company. We built the Starbucks brand with our people first, not with consumers.
Today, frontline employees are obscure in brand message and they are put in-charge of IDENTITY responsibilities. The guidelines have evolved and a whole new ballgame in branding has made the appearance. It is good to convey strong brand values, but what if the staff isn’t actually convinced? The employee-base is the equal stakeholder in brand-building and they carry the power to affect customer experience. How brand savvy is your staff is the main objective of this event.
True Leadership is made up of traits and an unshakeable character which becomes an inspiration for those who sit under command, as they willingly and joyously put everything on the line to achieve an objective. True Leadership breathes a new life into a dying entity and drives people to unforgettable levels of unity. It is a place where sacrifices are made as a norm and the followers reach levels of determination and resolve which are only found in text books.
This program is not about you; the leader; the individual in-charge. It is about those whom you LEAD. And yet … it is about you. It is about the leadership that works through a sequential cycle which begins and ends with you. It is about your personal brand which extends out to form the organizational brand right from its foundation. It is about common people doing uncommon things.
The universal model of leadership not only contributes towards effective organizational development but it nudges the individual in charge to heed all the hierarchal levels in a step by step fashion and become intimate with each of them. It can be applied globally and takes into consideration everything by justifying all actions and doing it all consciously with an unmatched fairness. Performance flows out as a consequence by turning it into an organizational culture.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the glue which binds humanity. It is no secret that positive emotions deliver high levels of motivation, organizational loyalty, enthusiasm, sincerity with work and understanding the needs of a customer. Negative emotions, on the other hand, cost all in multiple ways.
It is generally said if you want to determine the success of a nation, just see how the leadership treats its citizens. In a business world, if you wish to see the strength of an organization, just notice how well the people treat each other and its clients. The right kind of emotion can generate a response which can cause the company to soar like an eagle or tumble into the depths of oblivion.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) makes a difference between being average to being a brand which outshines the competition every single day.
Conflicts can destroy a company and, in most cases, they tend to limit its expansion. Conflict manifests itself as a difference between two or more persons or groups characterized by tension, disagreement, emotion or polarization where trust and communication are severely broken down or lacking. Companies are increasingly diverse with a large number of inter-dependencies and thus the potential for many disagreements. As a worker, you are but one voice among many. Your responsibility is likely to exceed your authority. You will inevitably be faced with a conflict.
Internal disputes are now being recognized as a phenomenon that has negative effects on a growing number of people in the workplace. The harmful physical and emotional responses rise up every time there is a conflict between job demands and the amount of control an employee has over meeting these demands. Conflicts in the workplace can have many sources or come from one single event.
Regardless of origin, it is imperative that a response gets structured immediately in the face of a conflict to subside the aggressive tendencies and a resulting thought process.
BrandSmack presents a one day workshop on shutting the doors to programmed behavioral reactions which cause stress and weaken the organizational balance. This workshop is created due to the high levels of anxiety we find among the working class as a result of reasons from obvious to unknown. This workshop delivers a methodology which enables the attendees to get a better grip on the emotions which turn into a mental noise. We bring you this program with great enthusiasm for it represents the spirit of our company and delivers simple solutions to problems which are faced by an alarmingly high number of firms.
Stress is basically a disconnection from the peaceful self and forgetting to breathe. Stress is a state of being which also believes that everything is based on an emergency. How we perceive a situation and how we react to it is the basis of our stress. If you focus on the negative in any situation, you can expect high stress levels. However, if you try and see the good, your stress levels will greatly diminish. You mind dictates the next thought and the resulting action route. But the RESPONSE is something that we can choose from a whole host of choices.
Work-related stress has a
direct bearing on the current and long-term productivity of workers in terms of
reduced work activities and unannounced or unplanned absenteeism. High-strain
and passive jobs carry many work-stress consequences such as a risk of
psychological strain and physical illness. On the other hand, low-strain and
active jobs tend to lead in the direction of growth, learning, and higher
Programs by BrandSmack International
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