Thinking Right
A Company Policy???!!!
if companies, in the years ahead, somehow evolve to a point and start asking
its employee base to start THINKING in a certain way? What if this actually
becomes a company policy?
are quite a few possible answers and almost all will be slightly tinged with
condescension. I, for one, will be genuinely in favor of that for the potential
that one policy contains. Technically speaking, companies have hired you and
paying you for your time. Within the bounds of decency, they can pretty much
ask from you anything; especially if it can dramatically increase personal and
organizational success.
take a look at the whole thing objectively and scientifically.
Ability: Organizations do not have a life of their own. Organizational caliber
is inseparably connected with its participating employee base; the way they
act, react, solve problems, express creativity, discuss solutions, integrate
knowledge, accept challenges, resolve potential conflicts and build meaningful
relations both internal and external. In fact, this “attitude” filters down in
almost all business activities and undeniably points to the leadership as a
source of origin. All of the above attributes require a thought process. As it
appears, “thinking” is step “one” before formulating any type of logical answer
and a huge factor in designing tactical business strategies. What happens to a
company which demonstrates a poor thought process in goal setting, responding
to challenges or customer care? Looking at the issue from every angle, it is
evidently clear that thinking is a skill; an attribute which can be learned and
absence of which yields detrimental consequences business wise.
leap with this issue on yet another platform to fully understand why “Thinking
Right” needs to become a corporate policy.
first question is, do companies generally look for and hire depressed, suicidal
and negative people? On the contrary, the companies invest heavily in employee
motivational, team building, conflict and stress management programs which
enable employees to achieve a work-life balance by becoming an asset for the
employer. Companies are not personal therapists and it is not required of them
to provide employees direction in personal affairs. But what is demanded by
them is that one brings positivity to a workstation during business hours.
and concentration is an attitude of thinking. We cannot focus on anything
unless we make it a point of contemplation. But if an employee’s thought
process is on his/her inability to deal with challenging clients, workplace
hostility, office politics, fear of failure in closing the sale, manage a
project or inefficacy as a chief negotiator, then chances are that it will be
exactly the case as a business outcome. The sales won’t be closed and
negotiations will be insipid and ineffectual. And that will happen because of a
thought process which focuses on limitation instead of brilliant expression.
way I see it, the above mentioned undesired outcome happens because we create a
reality of lack in our minds; laden with fear, grief or worry, which replicates
itself into the physical. The truly frightening aspect is that our personal
inability becomes the organizational destiny. Imagine an employee base where 25%
of the employees arrive to work each day without a clue of the immediate goals
deeply immersed in other kinds of non-organizational thoughts?
extremism is a temporary personal flaw which focuses on the negative and
metastasizes into an organizational defect if goes unchecked. It is our
inability to BELIEVE right and THINK straight by habitually contemplating on
Limitation and Fear instead of Possibilities. Following
are the benefits which companies will enjoy if they make “thinking right” a
company policy and enforce it on their organizational participants.
- Thinking right creates a dynamic company culture if introduced as a corporate policy
- It mentally aligns people each day for new beginnings
- It allows people to openly express their concerns and personal shortcomings creating a window to wholeness. This provides a tactical business advantage because the responsibility to fulfill a certain task then gets accomplished by the right person
- It facilitates focus and duly assigns right kind of mental concentration
- It filters down into personal lives and adds to the “yin and yang” of things
- It allows people to consciously contribute in the organizational progress
- It eliminates limitations on all levels
- It becomes the foundational source of business harmonics
- It eliminates organizational dysfunctions thus making the employee base more cohesive
- It significantly impacts the organizational ethics and the brand image
The growth of a company is directly proportional to the mental growth of its people. There are no two ways of looking at the issue
Sagacity builds on our ability to think right, which is just aligning yourself with success by ridding diplomacy and limiting tendencies. It is the cognitive recalibration process of the subconscious mind. Quantum ripples of thoughts aligned with the fabric of reality shifting it as originally intended. The only concern remains is that we get out of its way, let it work and not block it with our personal limitations and demons.
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